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Agricultural Industrialization Department
Address:China Textile Building, 19 Jianguomen Inner Street, Beijing, ChinaTelephone:86-10-65281122
The main responsibilities of Agriculture and Industrialization Department is to promote the strategic layout of the company's large cotton merchants, actively cooperate with the strategic cooperation with the Corps and the supply and marketing cooperatives; cooperate with the Cotton Division to conduct cotton industry policy research, and investigate the key models of “company + farmers”, mainly including order farming and Discussion and design of key models of “company + farmers”.
富川| 嘉兴市| 麻栗坡县| 游戏| 莱阳市| 通渭县| 绥中县| 宁安市| 闽侯县| 邹平县| 安陆市| 沅陵县| 邵阳县| 乐至县| 建水县| 神农架林区| 延庆县| 土默特右旗| 日照市| 呈贡县| 团风县| 甘肃省| 乐山市| 株洲市| 佛山市| 锦州市| 昭觉县| 乌拉特中旗| 定襄县| 平乐县| 白银市| 彩票| 新乐市| 龙井市| 丰县| 罗平县| 九寨沟县| 专栏| 西丰县| 奎屯市| 盐津县|